General Chair:
Shukurulloh H. Ismoilov, Cand.Sc., Associate Prof., Director of Urgench branch of TUIT
Comittee Co-Chair:
Mikhail M. Lavrentiev, DSc, Prof., Dean of IT Faculty of Novosibirsk State University; Vice-direсtor for Science, Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
International Comittee Chair:
Dmitriy E. Palchunov, DSc, Prof., Academian of REA, Lead researcher of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Vice Chair:
Oybek T. Allamov, PhD, Deputy director for Science and innovations of Urgench branch of TUIT
Publications Chair:
Anna S. Kazmina, Chair of Novosibirsk State Tech Univ, ED15 Student Branch Chapter, Engineer of the Students’ Research Department, Junior Researcher, NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia
Program Chairs:
Vladimir B. Barakhnin, Dr. Tech. Sc., Prof., Lead Researcher of Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia
Firnafas Yusupov, Cand. Tech. Sc., Asc. Prof., Urgench branch of TUIT
Gulnara E. Yakhyayeva, Cand.Sc., Asc. Prof. of IT Department, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Andrei V. Nikulin, Cand.Sc., Associate Prof., Membership Development of IEEE Russia (Siberia) Section, Novosibirsk, Russia
Grigorii R. Khazankin, M.Sc.Eng., SMIEEE, Industry Relations Coordinator, Treasurer of IEEE Russia (Siberia) Section, Department of General Informatics, Faculty of Information Technologies, NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
Davlatyor B. Mengliev, M.Sc.Eng, Major Coordinator of al-Khwarizmi Symposium, Head for scientific researches, innovations and training for scientific-pedagogical staff of Urgench branch of TUIT.
1) Information technologies in education
Fields: Software and information systems for educational purposes
Chair: PhD Bozorboy Palvanov, Head of Digital education department of Urgench branch of TUIT
2) Information systems management, Internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence technologies
Fields: Informatization, mechanism and technology, the power equipment monitoring, big data analytics, digital twins.
Chair: PhD Otabek Khujaev, Head of Information technologies department of Urgench branch of TUIT
3) Software engineering and data science
Fields: Means for processing, storage, search and presentation of information to the user is considered. Set of functional subsystems for collecting, inputting, processing, storing, searching and distributing information is considered.
Chair: PhD Oybek Allamov, Deputy director for Science and innovations of Urgench branch of TUIT
4) Digital signal processing, radio system modeling, antennas and radio frequency devicesb
Fields: The principles and methodological bases of mathematical modeling of radio engineering systems, principles of mathematical models construction on the basis of the system approach to modeling and models classification are considered. The methods of construction of devices for generation, reception and processing of radio signals are considered. Electromagnetic waves, their propagation in paths, transmission lines, microwave devices and media by means of various physical phenomena, effects and devices, including research, development and creation of antennas, microwave devices, materials and components, technologies for their production are considered.
Chair: PhD Nematjon Seitmetov, Head of Telecommunication Engineering department